Tag Archives: following Jesus

Following Jesus looks like… disciples making disciples

We talk about the Great Commission quite frequently, but I am struck by how often I miss what is so readily apparent in the text. The Great Commission is most often used as a call to evangelism, to sharing the gospel, but it is so much more. We are not called  just to share the gospel, we are called to make disciples, to teach people to obey everything Jesus commanded. Most of us are satisfied if we are becoming disciples ourselves, but becoming disciples is not what the Great Commission asks of us. Every one of us, every church member, every believer, should be equipped not just to become a disciple but to disciple and to teach someone else. (Perhaps we could go so far as to say that a disciple who doesn’t make other disciples is no disciple at all.)

The problem we have in many churches is that we spend most of our time, effort, and money on our least effective way of making disciples. Most churches place the greatest priority on their Sunday morning service. They spend more money, devote more staff hours, and use more resources on their morning worship than anything else the church does. We have become churches of big events, consciously or subconsciously treating events with the biggest crowds as the most important.

The problem with this method is that a large gathering of Sunday worshippers is probably the least effective way to make disciples. I’m not suggesting that corporate worship is unimportant, but corporate worship is more an outflow of an effective church than the engine that drives the church toward success. While large-group times of worship may not be effective at making disciples, a church full of disciples will have meaningful and dynamic corporate times of worship (perhaps using far fewer resources).

So how do we effectively make disciples who make other disciples? Sometimes I think we make things too complicated. We think that we have to have the latest programs, materials, and DVDs from the best-known teachers and preachers, but disciple making might actually be simpler (and cheaper) than these programs. Part of the problem with these programs is that they do not lead to reproduction. They do not equip us to teach other people, they only equip us to pass along the DVD or book from which we were learning.

So what is the answer? How do we make disciples? I’m not sure where I heard this, but I have recently taken to saying that only one thing changes people, the Spirit of God using the Word of God and the people of God.

Many people say they could never teach the Bible to others. “That’s not my gift,” they say, though it seems to me we are all called to teach others, even if not in front of a large group. But when we spend time in God’s Word, not reading a few verses here or there or a verse followed by a paragraph of devotional thoughts, but digesting chunks of God’s Word, reading books over and over again, we will find that we become teachers of God’s Word. Maybe we won’t all be preparing Sunday School lessons, but God’s Word will flow out of us in a natural way. We will be ready to instruct others because we have allowed God’s Word to instruct us. If we want to be Christians who make disciples, we must first allow God’s Word to saturate us to the point that it flows out into every aspect of our lives.

But we must also remember that God uses His people to make disciples as well. Part of the reason we cannot teach others is that we will not submit ourselves to instruction. In order to disciple others, we must be willing to be held accountable by someone else. We often count on sermons to instruct us, but as I love to say, we all love sermons that step on our toes, as long as we don’t have to move our feet. True disciple making most often comes not from sermons or even from gifted teachers, but when a handful of believers gather together to tell each other the truth in love, to hold each other accountable, and to grow in the Lord together.

I think part of the problem with discipleship trends in churches today is that we have set our goal far below scriptural standards. We have made it our goal to disciple believers through our church programs, but the real goal should be to produce disciples who make disciples. We don’t equip people to go out and disciple people on their own. At most we equip them to lead a discipleship class at church, when we should be equipping them to make disciples in their homes, at their places of work, and all around the world. This kind of quipping does not come from reading a book, completing a workbook, or listening to the best teachers; this kind of equipping comes only through the Spirit of God at work through the Word of God and the people of God. When we allow God’s Spirit to work through His Word and through His people, then we will equip people to be more than just receivers, we will equip them to be reproducers: disciples who make disciples.

The Cross Life in My Life

So if following Jesus means living the cross life, and if the cross life means sacrifice and selflessness, what does the cross life mean for me? Talk of living the cross life is simply chatter unless we actually begin to sacrifice and live selflessly. I have certainly not mastered these truths, but I would like to share some of what God has been teaching me about sacrifice and selflessness.


  • I’m a tightwad. I like to have money in the bank, and I find security in savings. I was taught tithing at a very early age, so I’ve never really had an issue with giving 10% of my money to the church (well, there were those college years, but…). The problem is that I came to view tithing as sacrificial giving, but God has been showing me that tithing, for me, is far from giving sacrificially (think of the story of the widow who put her two small coins into the temple treasury in Mark 12:41-44). My desire to have money in the bank has kept me from going on mission trips and helping others in need. I’m not proud of this, but it’s true. So what has God been teaching me? He’s been teaching me that as much as I’ve tried to convince myself that I was just exercising good common sense, what I was really showing was a lack of faith. I lack faith in God to provide. I found more security in a bank statement than in the God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10). Recently God has led us to give in ways that I probably would not have given in the past. I don’t know that I could call anything I’ve done so far sacrificial (I’m writing this on a laptop using the wireless internet in our home while checking emails on my phone after I just finished a large hot mocha from McDonalds). Let’s just say I’ve not given to the point where it hurts, but at I am beginning to see more of what giving sacrificially means.


  • Certain events in life cause us to see how selfish we really are. Getting married was one of those events for me. Living with another person, a person that I am called on to love like Christ loved the church, giving myself up for her, makes me realize what a selfish human being I am. Becoming foster parents was another one of those events. When I really stop and think about it, far too much of my life is spent fighting for self. For example, do I want our church to grow because I want God to be glorified and for people to know him, or do I want our church to grow so that people will think I’m awesome? Do I want our foster kids to be well behaved because of my desire to grow them up in the Lord, or do I want them to act right so that people will think I’m a great foster dad? Maybe I’m the only one that struggles with these issues, and maybe I’ve admitted too much already, but God is showing me my great need to deny myself and to commit myself to seek his glory and the welfare of others. As Paul said, I need to learn to treat others as more important than myself (Philippians 2:3-4). Ironically that passage was the text of the first sermon I preached on at our church, but it’s a concept I’m still trying to master. Selflessness is a lot about motives. Why am I doing what I’m doing? If I’m working to please others, to get my way, or to make a name for myself, I’ve left the cross life behind and instead chosen the road of self-glorification. Selfishness creeps in very subtly in my own life, and I pray that God will grant me the wisdom and strength to seek his honor and his glory above all else.

Does anything I’ve talked about so far really look that much like the cross? Not really. I am still too far from sacrificial, and I am far too selfish, but little by little God is showing me what it means to live the cross life of sacrifice and selflessness. To compare my giving to Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross is almost comical. I have a long way to go. But rather than be discouraged by the long journey ahead of me, I thank God for how far he’s brought me, and continue to pray that day by day, I will pick up my cross, deny myself, and follow him, because that’s what a disciple, a follower of Jesus, does.

Following Jesus looks like… the cross

Or to say it another way, followers of Jesus will follow Jesus to the cross. Jesus said, “Whoever does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me” (Matthew 10:38). But our image of the cross is far different from the first disciples’ image of the cross. For them the cross was an instrument of torture, humiliation, and shame. Crucifixion meant suffering, suffocation, and death.

Our image of the cross is sterile. We have cleaned the blood off the cross, taken down the dead body, coated the cross in gold and hung it around our necks and on our walls. In one sense this triumphant view of the cross is absolutely correct. In the cross, God overcame human attempts to defeat his Messiah and instead he defeated sin and death. There is beauty to be found at the wonderful cross, a symbol of God’s mercy, grace, and love. But the triumph came only after the pain and misery.

I fear we want the triumph of the cross without the sacrifice of the cross. I fear we want to live the glory of the cross without dying the death of the cross. Jesus prayed that the cup of his suffering might be taken away from him, but instead he followed God’s will to his gruesome death (Luke 22:42). God’s will meant suffering and death, only then to be followed by resurrection and exaltation. When Jesus told his disciples to take up their cross and follow him, he really meant that they would have to follow him to their deaths. They would be beaten, bruised, imprisoned, mocked, and killed.

Little in the American church looks like the suffering Messiah we claim to serve. When we gather to worship, our buildings, our outfits, and our technology reek of opulence, not suffering. We’ve come a long way from a wandering Son of Man with no place to lay his head. But if wearing rags and meeting in a shack will not necessarily get us any closer to the cross life, what might the cross life look like for our church today?

Following Jesus to the cross today will mean at least two things: sacrifice and selflessness. I see far too little sacrifice in my own life and in the church. To us, sacrificial giving often means going without a luxury most people in the world will never experience (cable TV or internet on our phones). Worse still, these luxuries are often considered necessities that prevent sacrificial giving. To us, sacrificing our time often means missing the first quarter of a football game to endure a lengthy sermon, or missing the live airing of our favorite TV show to go to Bible study or prayer meeting. If Jesus calls us to pick up our cross and follow him, we seem to think the sacrifice required is no heavier than the physical weight of carrying a literal, wooden cross. How far we have to go in truly understanding what the sacrifice of the cross means.

Following Jesus to the cross today means selflessness. Unfortunately my life is so often characterized by selfishness. Most disagreements in a church can be traced back to selfishness. We want the music we want and the programs we want and the activities we want, and if we don’t get them, we won’t be happy. We want honor and recognition, and if we don’t get them we will make sure no one else does. So much of our lives are spent clinging to and fighting for self, when so much of Jesus’ life was spent dying to self.

I don’t write these words because I pretend that I have mastered the life of the cross. But if we want to claim that we are followers of Jesus Christ, we cannot measure the success of our lives and the extent of our discipleship without looking to the sacrificial, selfless death of our Savior on the cross. If we want to follow Jesus, our lives will look like the cross. But the cross life is far harder to measure than church attendance and giving. So how do we know when we are living the cross life as individuals or as a church? Perhaps a first step is to look at our own examples of sacrifice and selflessness, and then to look at the death of Jesus on the cross and see if we can still even bear to label our lives as sacrificial and selfless. And when we find ourselves woefully lacking, as we undoubtedly will, we kneel down once more, pick up our cross, deny our selfish desires, and once more start down the road following our Master through suffering to glory.